Thursday 24 May 2012

Kaylee and Christine Go to Kindie

On Wednesday, Kaylee and I went to Kindie, better known as Kindergarten in the U.S. We've been trying to figure out a school to go volunteer at all semester and after lots of looking and praying, God blessed us with the greatest opportunity.

One night I was working at Joe's Fish Shack, and I was serving a table with a mom, dad, two young adult male children, and one of their girlfriends. I was chatting with the table, as I often do, and somehow we got on the topic of my educational choices with primary education (elementary education). The mom ended up informing me that she was a school teacher at a local elementary and that she would love to have me come help in her classroom. I was absolutely ELATED! I mentioned that my roommate was also an education major and she said to bring her along as well. She also said that her son goes to Uni (University) at Notre Dame as well, and that she should have us over for dinner some evening. Needless to say I ran home (literally) after work to tell Kaylee the good news. After a little happy dance we figured out the details. We would go to volunteer the following Wednesday.

A few things first. Kaylee has never taken the public bus. This was hilarious to me. I don't have any real public transportation experience either because people are usually driving their lawnmower around town where I'm from (haha, hope you enjoy that one dad!), but I have ridden the bus in Freo a few times. HOWEVER, I did not have a clue where Attadale elementary school was. After not having enough fare for the bus (because my card didn't work) a nice lady helped me out with the needed change -- God bless random acts of kindness!--we were on our where we thought would be a well marked bus stop where we would eventually disembark to go to the school. Surprise, we ended up disembarking at some random neighborhood stop, that surprisingly turned out to be correct! Yes, Kaylee and Christine once again successfully navigated the public transport systems (remember way back in Sydney when we rode the trains...yeah.)

We found the building and were greeted by Renie Allen (aka Mrs. Allen). She teaches the Kindie class the latter half of the week, and there's another woman that teaches the first half of the week. She also has a few assistants in her room. There were so many differences from a regular classroom. First of all, the Kindie was just its own building, entirely separate from a school. Renie told us that kids ages 3, 4, and 5 are all in Kindie together. She started telling us all about this program that she had written to incorporate values into the system, and then showed us a book that she wrote and got published. This woman is a saint, pretty certain.

The kids started to show up, and if you thought that Australian accents were hot, then just wait until you have 20+ little Australian children chattering in their Australian accents. Pretty much the cutest thing ever. "Dahddy I don't want you to go yet. Mum I love you. Mum, come do a puzzle with me." Seriously, I loved these little nuggets. At the start, the parents all stuck around to do puzzles with the kids and after a little bit we had "quiet music" to signal "pack-away" time. Then the kids all gathered on the carpet. Renie does such a magnificent job with the kids. She constantly calls them "gorgeous" and "love", it is amazing to see how much love she pours onto these kids.

So, I know what you're thinking, that's great and all, but anything funny happen? Yes, thanks for asking. So we're in the middle of morning meeting and Renie is introducing Kaylee and I, and all of a sudden she starts going into how she's going to have us over for dinner, and asking if we like roast lamb, and then she asks all her kindie students if they like roast lamb. It was quite humorous. (Yes, Kaylee and I did take her up on the dinner invite to have on her ocean-front property with her sons and their friends). Can't wait. But here is the better story....

It was time to sing the alphabet song. You remember it, don't you? A, B, C, D ♪ WRONG!!!!! Remember how Australians speak differently from Americans? Yeah, they pronounce their letters differently too. Kaylee and I were not off to a strong start in the Kindie room when we mispronounced the very first letter of the alphabet. haha Quite humorous! But, I'd say it's safe to say we redeemed ourselves when we got the final letter right. Instead of calling 'Z' Zee, they call it Zed, and we knew it too!

Renie put Kaylee and I in charge of a station for art and craft time, and after some quick bonding with the kids, Sara, one of the little girls sent us home with her picture. We only stayed for an hour because I had to hurry back for work, but Kaylee and I are super excited to go back soon!!! We seriously cannot wait for next week! Such a great experience.
Sara's drawing for Kaylee and I

In other news....

For my children's literature course we read a book by world-renown author, Morris Gleitzman. On Tuesday night, he came to UNDA to present on campus!!!! I got him to sign my book "Give Peas a Chance"....I was geeking out a little.
Morris Gleitzman, the author

My signed copy!!! "G'day Christine."

As I've been working at the restaurant, I've really been picking up on the Australian lingo. So much, that today in Theology, I was chatting with my friend and instead of saying "How are ya?" I, without hesitation said "How ya goin'?" After immediately covering my mouth with wide eyes I couldn't help but laugh at what had just escaped my mouth. Was I starting to speak Australian without even realizing it? Better watch out America, pretty soon you won't be able to understand what I say when I'm putting shrimp on the barbie and heading down to the shops to hang with my mates. :)

I'll be excited to come home, but sad to leave.

Love and God Bless,

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