Thursday 2 February 2012

Good Morning...?

Well, we missed free breakfast. Hopefully that's not any indication of how the day is going to go. Free breakfast is served at our hostel from 7-9 AM and we definitely did NOT get up in time today. Whoops...looks like we'll be living on PB&Js today. No home cooking for us till later.

On a positive note, today we get to go CANYONING!! Mixture of excitement and nerves are present right now but I hope all goes well. We're wearing life jackets so it can't be too bad, right?

My internet time is going to run out sometime today, so unless I purchase more it might be a few days before you hear from me. However, look forward to MANY great stories and interesting side notes. Hopefully I will be no longer a pasty white problem by then too!

Love to all.

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