Thursday 2 February 2012

Minnesotans Are Not Meant for Sun

I think that as Minnesotans we are genetically programmed to spontaneously combust when exposed to sunlight. At least that's how I feel after today. We all thought it would be a grand idea to put on the suits and trek to the beach to catch some rays (trying to do as the New Zealanders do.) Well, despite our best efforts with the sunscreen (ahem, Mom and Dad), we still ended up a tad sunkissed (aka fried like cherry red tomatoes.) I think we learned our lesson; however, we shall see in the coming days.

Tonight I think we legitimately met the first angry New Zealander. We got on the bus to just cruise about and learn a little about New Zealand driving before we begin our road trip journey (which by the way, I don't think there are ANY stop lights here, just roundabouts.) We had every intention of just cruising about and getting off at the interesting stops; however, we ended up at the last stop of the bus and had no intention of getting off. The driver came back to talk to us, and with our American charm we convinced him to let us stay on the bus for the return trip. I guess he wasn't exactly angry, but I wouldn't call him "friendly."

Today at the beach Brenna got pooped on by a seagull. *Sometimes I go off on random sidenotes...just bare with me.* Although Joe tried to kill the birds with rocks, one still marked Brenna's foot with it's poo. Nothing like a little souvenir, eh? When we were at the beach we also got to watch this Swedish man (dressed entirely in LAKERS gear..don't ask) try ever so desperately to pick up an Austrian woman. He was attempting to play frisbee, despite his clear lack of frisbee knowledge, and it continuously went into the water or came crashing towards Joe. Super random, but we also realized that it is extremely difficult to read or concentrate on anything when at the beach. The reason? Too many amazing people watching moments. I love traveling.

We met this really great kid tonight at supper in our hostel. His name is Jonah and is from Vegas. It was so refreshing to hear another United States accent. Not that we are not exposed to a lot of them, but there are so many other people from other countries at our hostel.

I'm sure you've noticed this by now, but my blog posts are extremely random and sporatic. If you don't like it, don't read it. Otherwise, enjoy the updates because this is awesome!!!

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