Tuesday 21 February 2012

I Feel Like I'm On the Bachelor

Alright, so hopefully everyone reading this blog has watched or at least heard of the hit tv show, The Bachelor. I know that I am not on a reality show competing for the one hot bachelor; however, I feel like I'm swimming in a sea of estrogen where everyone is trying to establish their territory. I can tell already that I will be spending a lot of time jamming to my music and taking a break from mindless female chatter. Don't get me wrong, I love all the girls that I am living with but a ratio of 22 girls to 5 boys leads to a lot of senseless talk. I am starting to realize how much more I love hanging out with my guy friends, so if you're one of them, I love and miss you dearly!

On a MUCH brighter note, I am now safe and sound in my new home in Fremantle (Freo), a town located in Western Australia. I will be living here for the rest of my time in Australia, and I am staying at the P&O Hotel right next to the University of Notre Dame campus (literally it's around the block.) I don't know who was assigning the rooms, but my roommate, Kaylee, and I lucked out and have the biggest room with a balcony! It is the biggest room that I have ever gotten to call mine. It's so big that today Kaylee and I did a Jillian Michael's workout DVD in here and both had enough room to move! (Yeah, that's right everyone I am still working out so I don't get fat here in Australia...not that I'll have money to eat anyway haha.)

Since we arrived here in Freo we have been working on settling in and gaining our bearings. Still fighting off some jet lag I think. I realized now that I am here in Freo that I definitely did not pack enough tank tops. It's been sitting at a very "comfortable" 90 degrees Farenheit....yeah and did I mention that our rooms don't have air conditioning? Thankfully the common room and study room have it though. We've had a few meetings so far with our Resident Supervisor, Anna, and have just been chilling the rest of the day. Mom and Dad, you'll be happy to know that I found my way to the grocery store, Coles, and have bought some delightful food to consume. Tonight I had pasta with an alfredo and tuna sauce with carrots and tomatoes in it. It was really really tasty and I even have enough for leftovers tomorrow.

Tomorrow marks the start of our busy orientation time here at UNDA. We have a packed schedule and will probably be beat by the time we reach the weekend. I have yet to have a chance to check out the beach here, but my skin is probably appreciating the break from the sun for a bit. Remember when I said it was 90 today? Yeah, I've been taking a lot of COLD showers and they don't even feel that cold.

I know I didn't say much about the remainder of my time in Sydney, but let's just say it was really chill and fun. We almost got locked in the Botanical Gardens because they closed at 8 PM and we tried to get through them in 10 minutes...it took us 11 minutes. Thank goodness there was still a guard there to let us out! We were going to go to Luna Park but it ended up raining so we got to experience yet another train adventure to get home.

I really enjoyed our time in Sydney, and even made a few more international friends. I met a few people from England, Dane and Will. Dane is an aspiring musician and is actually quite amazing. He was on the "X Factor" and actually made it to the fifth round! He played and sang for us and I can't wait until he finally gets his big break because the world will truly be impacted by his talent. Will was also quite hilarious. He told me he had never spoken candidly with a real American, and I was his first encounter. I actually laughed out loud at that one. Needless to say, my last few days in Sydney were quite enjoyable and I was a little sad to say goodbye to our hostel and my roommates.

I'm excited to see what Freo will have to offer this semester! I am a little homesick but getting to talk to the family and so many people back home really helped today. Eventually I'll get used to sweating profusely while doing ANYTHING, it actually reminds me a lot of my summer in Arkansas. Who knew that heat would be experienced ever again in my life? haha Also, the lights have been flickering as I've been writing this...hopefully not a bad sign about what's to come! Ha!

Much love!

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